Zero Waste Week
For GHS Zero Waste Week, we had fun carrying out a whole range of activities. In DT upcycling workshops, both staff and pupils enjoyed planting up seeds in left over pots and decorating labels from leftover wood; we created some very stylish labels made using pyrography and some beautifully painted pots! Greener GHS Club armed themselves with litter pickers and cleaned up the ‘No Mow’ patch on our border and 6th form had fun carrying taking part in community litter picking in the local area! Years 7, 8 and 9 learned about ‘Cooking with leftovers’ in Food Tech lunchtime clubs.
Lots of us joined the ‘refill revolution’, using a shower gel refill station, to fill up empty containers. Thanks to Zero Carbon Guildford for supplying us with the lovely ‘Fill Refill’ product. We have researched what can be refilled and realized there is almost no end to the options for refills, from toothpaste tablets to herbs and spices!
We are all aware that zero-waste living is becoming the norm again; we are repairing and reusing items, composting, refusing excess items we don’t need and in the process saving money and earth’s resources, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and improving relationships within communities. At GHS we are enjoying making more use of Freecycle, Facebook Marketplace, Guildford Eco-Exchange and other online platforms for keeping items in circulation for longer.