Our pastoral team
Our pastoral team is led by Mrs Catherine Gilmore, Deputy Head Pastoral. Mrs Gilmore’s dynamic leadership has resulted in a holistic approach to wellbeing and she is supported by our experienced Heads of Year, Form Tutors, nursing team, school doctor and school counsellor. Core members of this team are based in our Wellbeing Hub and are always available for pupils to come and talk to throughout the day.
Wellbeing is really good here; it is all about mental and physical care. Someone is always there if, and when, you need help.
year 7 pupil
Trust is earned through good communication, connections and positive relationships between staff, pupils and parents. The pupil-teacher relationship is key to enabling all pupils to feel valued and cared for so that they can reach out for support and know they are believed in.
Form Tutors, led by our experienced Heads of Year, give our pupils those day-to-day moments of care and support and are the first port of call for parental concerns or information regarding pastoral or academic matters. Heads of Year have overall responsibility for the pupils in their year group, creating a sense of community and belonging for their pupils.
However, our pastoral care goes beyond this core team. Every member of staff plays a role in supporting pupils and helping them thrive and every teacher is a teacher of wellbeing.