Reviews and reports

An outstanding and nurturing school that provides a superb education across the board – academically, on the sports field and in the performing arts. This is a place where bright, hard-working girls develop a positive and enquiring approach to life and learning and set off for university full of confidence and enthusiasm.

The Good Schools Guide, 2018

Each report from the Good Schools Guide can be read in full here:

Junior School

Senior School

Inspection reports

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspects schools that are members of the Independent Schools Council. ISI reports to the Department for Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements.

School leaders have implemented an ambitious and broad curriculum throughout the school which fosters in pupils a love of learning and prepares them for their next steps. Furthermore, leaders have embedded the importance of positive relationships throughout the school. As a result, pupils demonstrate high levels of care and respect for their peers.

ISI Inspector, 2024

Copies of our most recent inspection reports are provided below:


2021 ISI Report

2017 ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report