Working together

At the heart of all partnership work, both in school life and beyond, are relationships. Our time spent getting to know one another understanding goals and challenges, finding common ground, helps us to identify how we can work together. At GHS we are focussed on building relationships with our local schools and community organisations; it is these that underpin all our partnership work.

We work closely with many nearby schools and are a founding member of the West Surrey Partnership, a cross-sector, cross-phase partnership that includes over 25 schools in and around Guildford. This collaboration enriches the learning experience for students and staff across all our schools.


Guildford High School is passionate about supporting local charities and creating opportunities for students to make a positive impact in their community. Since 2020, we have developed a strong relationship with the Guildford Community Wellbeing Team based at The Hive, an organisation dedicated to supporting vulnerable families in our area. Our students have taken the lead in organising Christmas collections, run regular drives to support the local Hygiene Bank and Food Bank. Most recently, our students collected and donated Easter eggs for children at both The Hive and Cherry Trees, a local children’s hospice.