Alumni magazine
A nostalgic trip now and then is good for the spirit, and our newly designed annual magazine ‘As One’ is published to bring the whole GHS Alumni Community up to date with news of past and present pupils and staff.
The GHS crest on your uniform says who you are and where you are from, but nowhere does it say who you will be and where you will go.
Mrs Louise Stone mbe, Alumni Liaison Officer
If you have not received a copy, in either digital form or hard copy by post, please contact us. GDPR has restricted our use of previous address details, so we may need consent to update our database with your personal information.
We hope you enjoy the magazine, which has been made possible by our many contributors. We are welcoming alumni to contribute their thoughts in 2023 on wider topics and social issues as well as sharing your stories through interviews, news articles and our staying in touch section. If you would like to be a part of our magazine, you can find the submission guidelines and forms on our Submissions page.
We are always keen to hear from you if you have feedback on any of our alumni activities or the magazine.
T: 01483 561440