Year 4 share their work with the Senior School
“On Monday this week, I took a few of our Year 4’s to the Senior School to read extracts of their creative writing work and help me in my assembly. They were required to walk in with Mrs Laurie and sit on the main stage with the Senior Prefect Team. Despite such a sense of occasion, and more than 800 people watching, they read beautifully. There were audible gasps from the senior pupils when listening to their work and they received the highest possible accolade – a foot stomp! This resonates like thunder through the hall and I could even feel the stage shaking! Thank you Ava, Clemency, Lucy, Rebecca, Rida, Maya, Marnie and Lana; you were fabulous!
I look forward to taking our Year 1s to the Senior School to deliver their assembly to our Year 12 students in a couple of week’s time. These occasions remind me of how lucky we are to have a through school and for our junior girls to have these opportunities; likewise, our senior pupils delight in hearing their wise words!”
Mrs Amanda Whybro, Assistant Head – Wellbeing