Articulation London Final 2024
The annual Articulation Prize, run by the National Gallery, invites speakers from the ages of 16 – 19 to deliver a 10-minute presentation on a work of Art, Architecture or an artifact of their choice. Following the internal GHS heat, Grace W. was selected to represent the school at the regional stage at the Lightbox Gallery, Woking. We were delighted that Grace won the regional heat and as a result progressed to the London Final, where she spoke on Paula Rego’s Abortion Series at the V&A Museum.
The adjudicator Simon Hucker said that Rego would have been delighted that Grace highlighted the extraordinary lineage of female artists speaking out on reproductive issues through art that led the way for the Abortion series, and he was intrigued by the way that Grace brought Titian and Tracey Emin into the same conversation. This was an extraordinary achievement and we are immensely proud of what Grace has accomplished.