GHS Eco Week 2023
GHS Eco Week has been great fun and has drawn attention to all the ways in which we are working together as a community to make progress in being more sustainable.
Prof Mike Berners Lee in a recorded message in assembly focused on values we need to tackle climate change, such as respect (for everyone, including the most vulnerable and other species) and truthfulness. He spoke about carbon reduction becoming a factor in every decision, for example how we choose our diets, stuff we do or don’t buy and travel. As well as actions, we heard about the importance of exerting our influence in a constructive way and that is ok to not be perfect as long as we are moving in the right direction. Green Team also presented assemblies in both Junior and Senior Schools, focusing on actions taken so far (including energy efficiency and waste reduction) and next steps planned (enhancing biodiversity in school grounds and learning more about global citizenship). Mrs Buxton also lead an assembly focusing on becoming a United Nations Human Rights Respecting School with this year’s focus being climate change.
The Eco Fair was a great success with contributors ranging from fun, educational stalls run by pupils to outside contributor ‘Solar Sisters’ who were selling plastic free items. Girls could also sell crafted and upcycled items via GHS’s ‘London Road’ stall. Recycled books, revision guides, flashcards, stationery were also on sale to highlight the concept of the circular economy. Many of us enjoyed the film night with a showing of ‘Elemental’ and the sustainable baking competition. Well done to winner, Sahana G. for her amazingly creative and delicious cake! Staff and Sixth Form managed to collect 5 bags of litter in the local area, as part of the Big Hog’s #pickforprickles campaign.
Many thanks to those in the Green Team, in particular senior prefects Emily H. and Maya N., for their work in organising and running the week.